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Review: Snow White and the Seven Drag Queens


North East Adult Panto presented 'Snow White and the Seven Drag Queens' at Wulfrun Halls, Wolverhampton on the final night of their tour. Starring Drag Race UK stars Michael Marouli and Tomara Thomas; and Celebrity Big Brother and Ibiza WeekenderDavid Potts. Unlike most pantos, this show had not just one pantomime dame but seven, with a glamourous line-up of drag queens including Ophelia Balls, Janice Dickinyourson, Andi Martine, Miss Dixie Swallows, and Brenda LaBeau. Alongside them, Amelia Cavagan played Snow White, with Danny Emmerson-Ducasse as Prince Albert, and Corey Clarke as Puddles. 

NE Adult Panto poster

Each night also saw a different guest star playing the magic mirror, with Wolverhampton playing host to Real Housewives of Cheshire's, Royston BlytheGooglebox star and Jungle Queen, Scarlett Moffatt was due to star as the evil queen, however, due to illness she could not attend. Her understudy, Deborah Taylor-Smith who was part of the featured ensemble and swing for the show stepped into the role brilliantly and delivered a sharply funny performance that was reminiscent of Princess Mary in My Lady Jane. 

Full of comedic parody songs, dirty jokes, innuendo and fabulously filthy moments, North East Adult Panto's Snow White and the Seven Drag Queens was a raucously funny production, and a sparklingly silly celebration of British drag at its core. 

Seven Drag Queens starring: (lef to right): Andi Martine, Ophelia Balls, Michael Marouli, Brenda LaBeau, Tomara Thomas, Janice Dickinyourson, and Dixie Swallows
Seven Drag Queens starring: (lef to right): Andi Martine, Ophelia Balls, Michael Marouli, Brenda LaBeau, Tomara Thomas, Janice Dickinyourson, and Dixie Swallows

While this particular panto has now come to an end, North East Adult Panto hinted at a new tour next year, so follow them on Instagram to keep up to date with any news on upcoming shows. 


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