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In Memoriam: Geoff Hardy, LGBTQ+ rights advocate


Geoff Hardy was an educator and advocate for LGBTQ+ rights much of whom's life was spent living in Shropshire. The Peter Tatchell Foundation’s Pliny Soocoormanee, and Geoff Hardy’s partner of over four decades, Peter Roscoe have come together to write and share an ‘In Memoriam’ for Geoff and his lifetime of activism.

Black and white photo of Geoff lounging by a canal

Born on 30th August 1950 in Hertfordshire, Geoff grew up in a time when LGBTQ+ issues were seldom discussed. His activism for LGBTQ+ rights began in 1971 when he moved to London to study to become a teacher at Goldsmiths College; where he discovered the Gay Liberation Front (GLF) and became involved in campaigning. 


“At Goldsmiths, he co-founded the first Gay Society, organizing pioneering events like the first Freshers Fair ‘gay’ stall and a Gay Disco on campus,” writes Pliny Soocoormanee and Peter Roscoe, “He was a member of the Campaign for Homosexual Equality 1972-76... he and others formed the Lewisham Lesbian and Gay Rights Group and organised a series of classes and workshops on “glad to be gay”; radical stuff in those days.”


In June 1972, Geoff participated in the first Pride March in London. “The early Pride marches were fraught, but for Geoff, they were empowering moments that underscored the importance of visibility and solidarity,” explains Geoff’s Memoriam. 


After earning his Certificate in Education in 1974, Geoff went into a teaching career, and alongside other LGBTQ+ colleagues, he founded the Gay Teachers Group in the same year. This group would later be succeeded by Schools Out, which Geoff remained involved in. 


“His openness about his sexuality in the classroom pre-Section 28 was an inspiration.


“His decision to “come out” to his students and colleagues in 1975 was a bold move, especially given the societal attitudes of the time and one of the first in England to come out. Despite facing mixed reactions, discrimination and the risk of being dismissed from his job, his openness fostered an environment of respect and curiosity among his pupils at Charlton Boys School in Greenwich.


It was in 1978, that Geoff met his lifelong partner Peter Roscoe, with whom he shared over four decades of love and joy. 27 years later, in 2005 their relationship was formalized with the legalisation of civil partnerships for same-sex couples. Their civil partnership marked the first of its kind in Shropshire at 8am on 21st December 2005, and it was among the first few civil partnerships in England. 


Geoff and Peter moved to Shropshire in 1985, however, before leaving, Geoff ensured that his mark had very much been left behind. He “established a positive working relationship with Lewisham Council, the most concrete expression of which was Dykes and Faggots Housing (DYFA). In the early 80s, though it’s hard to credit, many councils had “hard-to-let” flats, and Geoff spearheaded a campaign to allocate these to LGBT+ people in severe housing need.  As a result, several hundred people, who would otherwise have been sleeping rough, found themselves with a home of their own for the first time.”


He also supported other rights groups such as the London Lesbian and Gay Centre and the GLC Gay Rights Working Party. 


In Shropshire, Geoff and Peter continued their activism together. “In 2006, Geoff was a founding member of the Shropshire Rainbow Film Festival, an initiative that celebrated LGBTQ+ stories and promoted inclusivity. His activism extended to the Shropshire 4 Equal Marriage campaignLGBT+ History MonthSAND (Safe Ageing No Discrimination), FRESh, a Shropshire Equality Network, and numerous other local and national LGBTQ+ rights groups. Geoff’s work was recognized with several accolades, including a Lifetime Achievement Award from the Midlands Zone Readers’ Awards in 2013, Shropshire Town Council’s Community Gold Award in 2016, and a Lifetime Achievement Award in 2022.


“In 2017, Geoff was invited to open the speaker series for Goldsmith University’s newly launched MA in Queer History, sharing his rich experiences. His contributions were further honoured when MP Daniel Kawczynski paid tribute to him in the House of Commons in 2019.”


Geoff’s health declined in 2021 but as best he could, Geoff continued to inspire and advocate for equality until his death on 30th April 2024. 


Geoff is survived by his partner Peter Roscoe and their ‘pretended’* son, Liam Boudicca


*Under Section 28 of the Local Government Act of 1988, promotion of homosexuality or teaching that it was acceptable as a "pretended family relationship" was prohibited for local authorities. Thus Liam is described as one of the oldest ‘pretend’ babies in the UK. 


Photo credit: Steve Keay


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