Stonewall Housing – a charity that supports LGBTQ+ people who are homeless or at risk of homelessness – has announced a fundraising event to be held in Birmingham to aid their work providing specialist housing advice, advocacy and more.
“With over 70,000 LGBTQ+ people across the UK needing help, events like this can truly make a difference,” explains Stonewall Housing “Last year, we supported 3,200 people with services like: Housing Advice and Advocacy, Mental Health Advocacy, Substance Misuse Support, Specialised support for people fleeing domestic abuse, Supported Accommodation, [and] Specialised Support for Over 50s.”

The ‘Raise and Shine’ fundraising event is a night of drag, community and celebration in aid of LGBTQ+ people experiencing homelessness. The event will be held on Wednesday 26th February from 7pm – 10pm at Tonight Josephine, Birmingham (12 Burlington Arcade, Stephenson St. Birmingham B2 4BL). Alongside performances from the fabulous drag artist Donna Trump, there will also be exciting raffle prizes to be won. Tickets are on sale now, with prices from £3-10 depending on what attendees can afford to pay. Free community tickets are also available for LGBTQ+ people who may experience financial barriers to attend, as well as employees, volunteers and members of other organisations who support LGBTQ+ people or people experiencing homelessness.